We have a special friend who celebrated their birthday today! Happy Birthday and God's Blessings!
Today we got our our Advent wreath and talked about the season of Advent. The students learned that it is not only when we celebrate the birth of Jesus but we are preparing for the second coming of our Lord. Each day we will have a special devotion that prepares us during this season.
In religion we learned about David's son Solomon. God told him to ask for anything he wanted! He asked for wisdom. When I asked the students that question, many said money, video games, books, toys. We talked about how God gave Solomon wisdom but much more too, and God gives us many things to like friends, family, and salvation.
We gathered together for math and talked about our solid figures more. We looked at the faces, vertices, and edges. Then we learned about lines of symmetry.
We listened to a Folk Tale for reading. Head, Body, Legs: A story from Liberia. We found Liberia on the map and listened to this funny story.
We started phonics by listening to words and deciding if it had a long or short vowel The children had to use their whiteboards, write what vowel they heard and if it was long or short. They did a great job listening for the vowel sounds in words. After we learned about the -CK ending. When we hear the K sounds at the end of words we need to decide how to spell it. We learned we use CK at the end if the vowel is a short vowel. The students wrote each of their CK spelling words and marked them correctly!
During lunch we had a snack which was brought in by Nina's Grandma. She brought cookies for the class as well as a card. It was so nice of her and we will keep praying for Nina on her new adventure.
We started a new Social Studies unit today. It is about people long ago. We read the story, When I Was Young from our social studies book. Then I showed them things from my family long ago like my family tree and the boat my ancestors came over on and the passenger list too!
We started our Christmas Around the World ornaments today. We visited the country of CHINA! We made paper lanterns!
Parents came in this afternoon to read with our groups!